Friday, August 5, 2016

The Second Most Popular Waterfall at Blackwater Falls State Park

Almost everyone knows about Blackwater Falls. But did you know there are at least a dozen other waterfalls at Blackwater Falls State Park? Tributaries to the Blackwater River such as Pendleton Run, Shay Run, and Falls Run tumble down the steep slopes of the Blackwater Canyon creating waterfall after waterfall. To be sure, they don’t match the 63 foot drop of the river wide Blackwater Falls. And they don’t have boardwalks built to them either. Nonetheless, they are charming and picturesque in their own right and are well worth a trek off the beaten path.
Elakala Falls
One of those waterfalls is Elakala Falls, which is probably the second most visited waterfall in the Park. To see Elakala Falls start at the Blackwater Lodge. The trailhead to the falls is at the western end of the Lodge parking lot (GPS: Lat. 39.107630, Long. -79.497965). The trail to the falls isn’t more than 500 feet and leads to a bridge that spans Shay Run right at the falls. From the bridge, you get a great overhead view of the falls.

Elakala Falls
But the view from the bridge doesn’t do this waterfall justice. To fully fathom its beauty some off-trail scrambling is required. Continue on the Elakala trail for another 50 feet or so. Then look to your right for paths that scramble down to creek level. I can’t say it’s an easy scramble. There are lots of tree roots and rocks. But it’s sure worth the effort if you can do it.
Elakala Falls
From creek level you can better appreciate the flow of the water as it cascades over the main fall and then diverges into multiple flows.  You can also get a clearer view of the brilliant green moss covering the rocks near the falls. The honey-colored water from which Blackwater gets its name is unique and beautiful as well. All in all, there’s much to admire about this waterfall, and it keeps photographers happy for hours.

More about the other waterfalls in future blogs, but for now I hope you plan a side trip to Elakala Falls.     Waterfalls at Camp Creek    5 Waterfalls of the New River Gorge     Brush Creek Falls     Sandstone Falls


  1. Beautiful, never heard of it or seen. Thanks for pictures .

  2. You're welcome Kim. Hope you can see it sometime!

  3. Putting it in the "must see" list for our week long stay at the end of this month.
    And I'm always open for suggestions on others near by.

    1. I will post some other "must see" waterfalls in the Blackwater area in a future blog.

  4. Putting it in the "must see" list for our week long stay at the end of this month.
    And I'm always open for suggestions on others near by.
