Friday, September 2, 2016

South Glade Trail: A Field of Dreams

Tracking an enormous black bear one morning in the mid-1700s, George Casey Harness came to a spot, “on the western slope of the Alleghenies which overlooked a wide, well-watered, wooded and grassy valley. The breathtaking beauty of the wild valley so impressed young Harness that he involuntarily cried out, ‘Behold! The Land of Canaan!’” (Jack Preble, Land of Canaan, McClain Printing Co., 1960, p.1).

Behold indeed! Canaan Valley takes your breath away. There is so much to admire about this lovely valley nestled in the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia. The wetlands, grasslands, and forests will mesmerize you with their charm. Thankfully it’s preserved by the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge covering more than 16,500 acres, which can be explored by 41 miles of designated trails and roads. 

Field of Goldenrod
I’d like to highlight a short, but lovely track called the South Glade Run Crossing trail that holds many precious memories for me. It winds for 0.8 miles through forested, wetland, and grassland habitats to connect Cabin Mountain trail to Middle Valley trail. The trailhead (GPS: Lat. 39.096662, Long. -79.363164) is at the end of A-frame road, which takes off from State Route 93 about six miles east (GPS: Lat. 39.185045, Long. -79.368104) of Davis, WV. 
Fish Hook Trail
As you’re just beginning to hike the trail, look for a side track to the right called the Fish Hook trail. It leads to a beautiful fishing pond and wetland area that’s a lot of fun to explore. After backtracking to the South Glade Run Crossing trail, you’ll spend some time zig-zagging through a forest.

Ferns & Cottongrass
Just after crossing Glade Run on a foot bridge, look for some paths to the right that lead to a field of cotton grass and ferns. While hiking this area one September afternoon, I remember well how the ferns were decked in fall hues of orange, yellow, and brown, while the white puffs of cotton grass hovered weightlessly around and above the ferns. It was sheer magic—a field of dreams. 
Ferns & Cottongrass
Further along the trail, we were dazzled by fields of goldenrod. In the warm, afternoon sun, swarms of monarch butterflies danced from flower to flower. Magic again. I photographed the monarchs to my heart’s content. Maybe it’s just me, but this trail does have the potential to wow you. The next time we visit Canaan, we’re going to take this trail.
South Glade Run Crossing Trail
Trails in the Wildlife Refuge are open daily from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset. South Glade Run Crossing trail is open for pedestrian, horse, and bicycle use.

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